Revival By Design Seminar 2021
Revival By Design SPEAKERS
Both of the ministers that joined us for this seminar are greatly focused on evangelism on a global-scale, working in multiple countries.
- Evangelist Daniel Davis from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
- Pastor Jayson Pagan from Salina, Kansas.
We are all on the mission to win souls. If you are a pastor looking to grow your church or an organizational leader looking to expand, Revival By Design serves to help both people and churches grow. This was a great time of fellowship with local UPCI pastors while we also were equipped with new material focusing on evangelistic outreach in the local communities. While this seminar was hosted at GracePoint Fellowship in McKinney, we encourage you to take this knowledge with you to help expand your church by reaching into your community.
Revival By Design is the Apostolic pattern for revival in our churches today. Whether you are a pastor, evangelist, or layperson in your church, this template can work at any scale. Scripture is clear that we should continually be involved in the disciple making process.
These resources are designed to help facilitate personal and church growth based on this four-cycle process.
Scriptural and practical insights to help prepare you to evangelize the lost in your city with confidence. The harvest is waiting for workers, we must go now!
As we follow Jesus we are also being formed for His purpose. Being equipped for ministry means we have the tools and the “know how to use them.
Discipleship is a never-ending journey. As we continue to grow in our relationship with Jesus, we are better prepared to help others on this same journey.
As you have received, you should give! Continued encouragement and insight on living out the principles you have learned. To learn more about Revival By Design, check out